Ryan Serhant

Real Estate Agent’s Guide to Mastering Social Media Content Creation

Ryan Serhant Social Media Content Creation

What do Oprah Winfrey, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Kim Kardashian have in common?

They’ve all mastered the art of growing their personal brands through consistent social media content creation, and it’s working like crazy. Their combined social media following is in the multiple hundreds of millions across all platforms, and they’re instantly recognizable all over the world.

Do they all use the same platforms? No.

Do they create and post the same kind of content? No.

So what’s the common denominator in how they experience the growth and results they do?


Day after day, they show up as the authority in their niches through social media content creation that’s 100% in line with their personal branding.

Guess what? You can do it too! And you don’t have to be a mega-celebrity for your personal brand to be well-known and recognized in your area. You just have to learn how to master social media content creation and be consistent about it.

In this article, I’m going to answer the biggest questions I get asked about real estate social media content creation. So buckle up, because this is important!

What IS Social Media Content and WHY Does It Matter?

First things first. Let’s talk about what social media content actually IS. When I say “content”, I’m referring to anything you create for public consumption on social media and online. Your social media content is the way you spread your personal brand, and there are a variety of types:

That’s a lot of options! Choose what you enjoy creating and pick a platform to start showing up on. If you’re a video person, go Live. If you’re better at interacting face-to-face with people, do a Q&A or a collaboration with someone. Is writing your thing? Start a blog. Love taking photos? Instagram it up!

Social media isn’t just a fun pastime though. It’s something that every real estate agent needs to do consistently and strategically in order to grow their personal brand. That makes content creation – consistent content creation – vital.

Lead Generation Is Our #1 Job

Content has the ability to show up where your ideal clients are and speak for you even while you’re sleeping. You’re not just “showing up” though. Social media content helps you grow your real estate business.

According to a recent study by IBM, leads generated through social media activities are SEVEN TIMES more likely to convert than other leads. Forbes also reports that sales professionals who use social media in their sales process outperform 78% of their peers. Let that sink in for a moment.

Countless billions use social media daily, and mastering real estate social media content creation means you can get in front of more of them in a way that’s in line with your personal branding.

Well, that’s cool, Ryan. That doesn’t sound too hard. I’ll just throw a photo or two up on Instagram and shoot out a few Tweets.

There’s a little bit more to it than that. If you want your real estate social media content to perform well and do its job, it needs to be done in a strategic way. Keep reading – this is just the tip of the iceberg!

What Should I Post?

Not sure what to post? That’s one of the biggest roadblocks many real estate agents face. The bulleted list above is a great place to begin. Start with one type of content you enjoy creating, then add more as you go.

The important thing to remember is you don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. Super curated news feeds don’t capture attention as much as you showing up and being authentic.

Post content in line with your personal brand that incorporates your AND. You want to be known for more than just being a real estate agent, defining your AND is going to help you create connections with the people you serve. Leaving out your AND takes the heart and soul right out of your content.

For example, everything we do on our social media platforms at SERHANT. is designed to promote us as THE AUTHORITY on all things real estate and media. We’re very intentional about it, and it works. We’re the most-followed real estate brand on social media.


Where Should I Post?

Many people ask me which platform is best for real estate agents. I started out with YouTube and Instagram, but that doesn’t mean that’s what is going to be the most effective for all agents.

I recommend choosing platforms you enjoy using yourself. It’s going to be a lot easier to stay consistent and create quality content for a platform you’re familiar with and enjoy spending time on. Don’t plop yourself right in the middle of a brand new (to you) platform as your first foray into social content.

And another thing – you don’t have to be on all the platforms all at once. SERHANT. runs five platforms, but we have a whole media team full of trained specialists that manage our content calendar. If you want to go hard like that and have the support system to sustain it, then by all means, hit Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Linkedin and TikTok right off the bat.

But if you don’t, that’s okay. Choose one platform you enjoy using and start there. Post consistently (there’s what word again!) on your newsfeed. Interact with other people’s content. Show up where it makes the most sense for you to do so right now. As you master one platform, move on to the next. You DON’T have to tackle everything at once.

How Should I Post?

When you boil it all down, there’s just one word that describes HOW you should post.


It doesn’t matter whether you use a scheduling program or not. It doesn’t matter which one you use. What matters is being consistent and posting regularly in a way that creates a solid presence people can trust and interact with online.

You can’t just post every so often, or whenever you feel like it. People like consistency, and without it, you’ll sink into the background among all the other real estate agents who are out there doing the same thing you are.

When you show up consistently, however, you become the go-to agent in your area. When people hear the words “real estate”, your face is what comes to mind. If someone asks them, “Hey, you know any good real estate agents around here?” guess whose name comes up?

Learn More About Consistent Content

Want my entire brand strategy system, including everything you need to know in order to create, schedule, and post consistent content that effectively represents your brand all over the web? Check out my Personal Brand course. This course is the blueprint for launching your personal brand & business to the next level, generating more leads, and increasing your mind and market share. Sign up now.

Join My Personal Brand Course!


Additional Content

You clients are using social media to share and exchange information, get reviews, look at videos and images, find guides, ask questions and much more. If you're not active in the new forums and platforms, you're missing out on a great opportunity to engage your clients.

However, it's not simply a case of openning an account for every new social media platform. Choose which platforms are most appropriate for you and then be very selective about the content you put out. If you already have a strongly personal branding, this will be much easier.

Once you've become more familiar with a particular platform and what works best there, you can think about what other ways and platforms will get you best ROI. You can set up posting strategies that will regurlarly update your followers with messaging that's always in line and on point.", "image": [ "https://ryanserhant.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Ryan-Serhant-Social-Media-Content-Creation-Blog.jpg", "https://ryanserhant.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Serhant-Brand-Strategy-System.png" ], "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Ryan Serhant", "url": "https://ryanserhant.com/about/" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Ryan Serhant", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "https://ryanserhant.com/wp-content/themes/ryanserhant.com/assets/images/header-logo.png" } }, "datePublished": "2021-11-04", "dateModified": "2022-01-12" }


  • Ryan Serhant is a founder, entrepreneur, producer, public speaker, bestselling author, star of multiple TV shows, and Chief Executive Officer of SERHANT., the rapidly growing tech-forward real estate organization comprised of two core businesses: brokerage and education. Founded in 2020, SERHANT. is a content-to-commerce technology ecosystem revolutionizing the sales industry. SERHANT. is home to the first ever full-service, award-winning, in-house film studio solely dedicated to real estate content, and its digital education platform is comprised of more than 14,000 members across 110 countries.